Friday, March 30, 2007

References Combined Cycle Power Plants

Enso Española SA, Combined cycle power plant, Castellbisbal, Spain

50 MWe/25 MWth, LM6000 gas turbine with DLEcombustion, HRSG with ambient air firing, extraction/condensing steam turbine, hybrid cooling tower plant,chilling plant for gas turbine inlet air cooling.
Fuel: natural gas
Project management, feasibility studies, conceptualdesign, procurement services, process engineering,water treatment engineering, plant layout, automationengineering, automation detailed design and super-vision, electrical engineering, piping design, structuraldesign, HVAC engineering, house electrification basicdesign, permits and licences, architectural design,time scheduling services, site supervision, generaltraining, acceptance tests and GT plant maintenanceprocurement, 1996
Detailed project description (PDF 2659 kB)

Ca Mau 720 MW gas-fired combined cycle powerplant,


The combined cycle power plant consists of twoF-technology gas turbine generator units, each240 MW, two HRSGs and one steam turbine gener-ator unit, with all associated auxiliary equipmentand support facilities.
Fuels: natural gas, fuel oil
Additional soil investigation, review of feasibilitystudy, preparation of conceptual design, preliminarydesign, investment cost estimate and EPC specific-ations, additional civil design for material take-off, design of electrical and SCADA/Telecommuni-cation interconnection with National Power System,support in approval process, 2003-2004
Detailed project description (PDF

Jandar combined cycle power plant,Syrian Arab Republic

700 MWe combined cycle power plant, 4x118MWe MW701 gas turbines, 2 x 114 MWe condensingsteam turbine, air cooled condenser
Fuels: natural gas, refinery gas and fuel oil
Complete project management and implementationsupervision of turnkey delivery: design, engineering,manufacturing and assembly. Civil works, erection,commissioning, test runs, guarantee period, train-ing, 1995Detailed project description (PDF 1562 kB)68 kB)

Combined cycle district heating power plantDonaustadt 3, Vienna, Austria

350 MWe/250 MWth combined cycle. Single shaftarrangement with each one 250 MW gas turbineand 100 MW steam turbine. Engineering services,basic design, petitioning in accordance with theEIS, invitation to bid on an EPC basis, bid evalu-ation, contracting, quality assurance, construc-tion and erection supervision, overall coordin-ation and assistance during guarantee period,1997-2004

District heating Plant "Mitte", Salzburg, Austria

80 MWe/120 MWth combined cycle power plantwith 2-pressure heat recovery boiler, heavyfuel fired stand-by boiler, basic design, technicalspecification, EIS documents, assistance duringpermitting phase, preparation of tender docu-ments, tender evaluation, overall coordinationand elaboration of detailed solutions, acceptancetests, 1993-2003

Naistenlahti combined cycle power plant, Tampere,Finland

127 MWe/140 MWth (DH), HSRG supplementaryfired, gas turbine + existing steam turbine
Fuels: natural gas and LFO
Project management, feasibility studies, conceptualdesign, procurement services for gas turbineand HRSG, process engineering, water treatmentengineering and procurement, plant layout, auto-mation and electrical engineering and procurement,piping design, structural design, HVAC engineering,house electrification basic design, time schedulingservices, GT plant maintenance procurement, 2000
Detailed project description (PDF 2460 kB)

Kirkniemi combined cycle power plant, Finland

110/115 MWe, 115/170 MWth combined cycle,frame 6FA gas turbine with DLN combustion, HRSGwith supplementary and fresh air firing, processextraction/ condensing steam turbine
Fuels: natural gas and LFO
Feasibility studies, conceptual engineering, mainprocess engineering, procurement services for gasturbine, HRSG and steam turbine, architecturaldesign, automation consulting services and GT plantmaintenance specifications, 1997
Detailed project description (PDF 2674 kB)

Nokian Lämpövoima Oy, Combined Cycle PowerPlant, Tampere, Finland

65 MWe/60 MWth, frame 6B gas turbine with DLNcombustion, HRSG with two steam pressure levelsand supplementary firing, extraction/condensingsteam turbine
Fuels: natural gas and LFO
Project management, feasibility studies, procurementservices for gas turbine, HSRG, steam turbine andauxiliaries, process and conceptual design, auto-mation engineering, piping design, plant layout,general training and GT plant maintenance specific-ations, 1996-1997
Detailed project description (PDF 2004 kB)

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